以色列考古学家发现一座1,500岁的拜占庭修道院, Archaeologists in Israel find a 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery with a mosaic floor and winepress.
以色列考古学家在Kiryat Gat附近发现了一座有1 500年历史的拜占庭修道院, Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered a 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery near Kiryat Gat, complete with a colorful mosaic floor and a Greek inscription from Deuteronomy. 在一个建筑项目期间发现的该场址包括一个精密的葡萄酿酒厂,以及一个蓬勃发展的陶瓷工业的证据。 The site, discovered during a construction project, includes a sophisticated winepress and evidence of a thriving ceramic industry. 恢复后,马赛克将予以保存和公开展示。 The mosaic will be preserved and displayed publicly after restoration.