宇航员们从国际空间站 拍摄了惊人的地球照片, 突显了地球的美丽和脆弱性。 Astronauts captured stunning Earth photos from the ISS, highlighting the planet's beauty and fragility.
2024年,国际空间站(空间站)的宇航员从上方250英里处拍摄了令人惊叹的地球照片,其中包括彗星、极地、火山和河流的惊人景象。 In 2024, astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) captured breathtaking photos of Earth from 250 miles above, including stunning views of comets, auroras, volcanoes, and rivers. 这些图像突显了地球的美貌以及空间探索对科学和艺术的重要性。 These images highlight Earth's beauty and the importance of space exploration for both science and art. 独特的有利点也提供了一个观点,突出了地球的脆弱性和相互联系。 The unique vantage point also offers a perspective that underscores the planet's fragility and interconnectedness.