业余寻宝者在英国发现九世纪的维京银币和其他古老文物。 Amateur treasure hunters find a 9th-century Viking silver penny and other ancient artifacts in the UK.
业余珍宝猎人利用金属探测器发现了九世纪维京统治者Guthrum在九世纪铸造的银币,以及其他重要的历史文物。 Amateur treasure hunters using metal detectors have discovered a silver penny minted by Viking ruler Guthrum in the ninth century, along with other significant historical artifacts. 这些物品,包括3 000年的青铜工具和7世纪的金项链,在大英博物馆展出。 These items, including 3,000-year-old bronze tools and a seventh-century gold necklace, were displayed at the British Museum. 这些发现是政府资助的便携式文物计划的一部分,该计划每年记录数千件考古发现。 The discoveries are part of the government-funded Portable Antiquities Scheme, which records thousands of archaeological finds yearly. 探索的刺激 而不是金钱收益 驱动着这些爱好者 The thrill of discovery, rather than financial gain, drives these enthusiasts.