柬埔寨16岁女童H5N1禽流感检测呈阳性;每年病例数增至9例。 16-year-old girl in Cambodia tests positive for H5N1 bird flu; yearly case count rises to nine.
柬埔寨Svay Rieng省16岁女童H5N1禽流感检测呈阳性, 16-year-old girl in Cambodia's Svay Rieng province tests positive for H5N1 bird flu, raising the yearly case total to nine. 她病情严重,接受特别护理。 She is in severe condition and receiving intensive care. 卫生当局正在调查感染源并监测可能爆发的疫情。 Health authorities are investigating the source of infection and monitoring potential outbreaks. 卫生部建议不要食用生病或死亡的家禽。 The ministry advises against consuming ill or dead poultry.