澳大利亚探索延长巴勒斯坦难民在危机中逃离加沙的签证。 Australia explores extending visas for Palestinian refugees fleeing Gaza amid crisis.
澳大利亚内政部长Tony Burke证实, 政府正探讨各种办法, 延长在危机持续期间逃离加沙至澳大利亚的巴勒斯坦人的签证。 Australia's Home Affairs Minister, Tony Burke, confirmed that the government is exploring options to extend the visas of Palestinians who fled Gaza to Australia amid the ongoing crisis. 据Burke部长说,目前任何国家都不应将人们送回加沙,因为那里的局势仍然不安全。 No country should send people back to Gaza at this time, according to Minister Burke, as the situation there remains unsafe. 澳大利亚政府目前正在考虑为受签证即将到期影响的个人采取“下一步”措施,但尚未作出最后决定。 The Australian government is currently considering the "next steps" for the individuals affected by the impending expiry of their visas, but no final decision has been made yet.