新西兰考虑为与当地有联系的加沙难民提供紧急家庭团聚。 New Zealand considers emergency family reunification for Gaza refugees with local ties.
鉴于冲突不断升级,新西兰有机会帮助加沙难民实现紧急家庭团聚。 New Zealand has the chance to help Gaza refugees with emergency family reunification in light of the escalating conflict. 大约 400 个加沙人与新西兰有家庭关系,40 个巴勒斯坦家庭已承诺收容被困的家庭成员。 Approximately 400 Gazans have a family connection to New Zealand, and 40 Palestinian families have committed to hosting trapped family members. 新西兰之前对难民危机的反应表明,以家庭为中心的援助是可能的,但政府尚未承诺接收难民。 New Zealand's previous responses to refugee crises suggest family-focused assistance is possible, but the government has yet to commit to an intake.