澳大利亚支持联合国关于加沙停火和援助的决议,导致公众舆论分裂。 Australia backed UN resolutions for a Gaza ceasefire and aid, dividing public opinion.
澳大利亚支持联合国呼吁立即无条件停火加沙的决议,并批评以色列限制近东救济工程处在巴勒斯坦领土上的行动。 Australia backed UN resolutions calling for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza and criticized Israel's restrictions on UNRWA's operations in Palestinian territories. 这些决议分别以 158 票和 159 票的压倒性支持获得通过。 The resolutions passed with overwhelming support, with 158 and 159 votes respectively. 澳大利亚驻联合国大使詹姆斯·拉森 (James Larsen) 呼吁紧急人道主义援助并批评哈马斯,同时也对决议中缺乏有条件停火要求表示担忧。 Australia's ambassador to the UN, James Larsen, called for urgent humanitarian aid and criticized Hamas, while also expressing concern over the lack of a conditional ceasefire demand in the resolutions. 此举在澳大利亚引发了辩论,一些人指责政府助长了反犹太主义。 The move has sparked debate in Australia, with some accusing the government of fueling antisemitism.