8月2日:尼日利亚NNPC 18在尼日利亚经营的Akaso Well 4发生火灾;计划进行不明原因的联合调查。 2 August: Fire at Akaso Well 4, operated by NNPC 18, in Nigeria; cause unknown, joint investigation planned.
8月2日,由NNPC 18 Operating Limited运营的尼日利亚Akaso 4井发生火灾,沿着邻近的河岸延伸。 On August 2, a fire broke out at Akaso Well 4, operated by NNPC 18 Operating Limited, in Nigeria, extending along the adjacent riverbank. 事件原因不明,计划进行联合调查。 The cause of the incident is unknown, and a joint investigation is planned. NNPC已部署快速反应小组,并建立了社区监测。 NNPC has deployed a rapid response team and established community surveillance. Akaso Well 4号水井在相当长的时间内停止运行,2月份开始的Alakiri Well 9T号水井的火灾仍在进行中。 The Akaso Well 4 was out of operation for a significant time, and the fire at Alakiri Well 9T, which began in February, is still ongoing.