尼日利亚Ibadan发生火灾, 3个家庭在家中被火焰点燃后丧生。 A fire in Ibadan, Nigeria, killed a family of three after an open flame ignited their home.
在尼日利亚Ibadan发生火灾, 杀死了丈夫、妻子和孙子。 A fire in Ibadan, Nigeria, killed a husband, wife, and grandson after an open flame used for warmth accidentally ignited their home. 奥约州消防局对清晨电话迅速作出反应,营救了另外5人。 The Oyo State Fire Services Agency responded promptly to the early morning call, rescuing five others. 警察和安保小组也在场,以维持秩序。 Police and security teams were also present to maintain order. 这一事件是继最近发生的一场闹剧灾难之后发生的,该地区有35人丧生。 This incident follows a recent funfair disaster that killed 35 people in the area.