North Fond du Lac家中的电气火灾造成两名居民流离失所,没有人员受伤的报告。 Electrical fire in North Fond du Lac home displaces two residents, no injuries reported.
周四晚上,North Fond du Lac房屋的地下室发生电气火灾,导致两名居民流离失所。 An electrical fire broke out in the basement of a North Fond du Lac home on Thursday night, causing two residents to be displaced. 这起火灾是由电气问题引起的,据报大约下午7时10分左右发生,50分钟内受到控制。 The fire, caused by electrical issues, was reported around 7:10 p.m. and brought under control within 50 minutes. 工作烟雾探测器提醒居民安全撤离,没有报告有人受伤。 Working smoke detectors alerted the residents to safely evacuate, and no injuries were reported. 美国红十字会正在援助流离失所者。 The American Red Cross is assisting the displaced individuals.