Fond du Lac 警官用灭火器迅速将房屋火势控制在一间卧室;没有受伤报告。 Fond du Lac officer quickly contains house fire to one bedroom with fire extinguisher; no injuries reported.
Lac Fund du Lac警官使用便携式灭火器,他迅速作出反应,12月20日5分钟内,在二楼卧室发生房屋火灾。 A rapid response from a Fond du Lac police officer, who used a portable fire extinguisher, contained a house fire to a second-floor bedroom within five minutes on December 20. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 拉克消防救援基金会正在调查火灾的起因,并提醒居民保持空间加热器的安全,使他们远离可燃材料。 The Fond du Lac Fire Rescue is investigating the fire's cause and has reminded residents to maintain space heater safety by keeping them away from combustible materials.