在辛辛那提河滨发生的一场房屋火灾造成两名居民流离失所,造成150 000美元的损失。 A house fire in Riverside, Cincinnati, displaced two residents and caused $150,000 in damage.
辛辛那提河滨发生火灾, 造成两名居民流离失所, 但没有人受伤。 A house fire in Riverside, Cincinnati, on Tuesday morning displaced two residents but caused no injuries. 火灾于上午6时30分左右在阁楼开始,造成150 000美元的损失,消防员约90分钟的时间来控制火灾。 The fire, which started in the attic around 6:30 a.m., caused $150,000 in damage and took firefighters about 90 minutes to control. 房屋内没有发现烟雾探测器,正在调查火灾原因。 No smoke detectors were found in the house, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.