新奥尔良Christopher Inn公寓的电火导致144名老年人疏散。 An electrical fire at New Orleans' Christopher Inn Apartments led to the evacuation of 144 seniors.
星期五上午在新奥尔良的Christopher Inn公寓发生电力火灾,导致144名老年居民撤离。 An electrical fire at the Christopher Inn Apartments in New Orleans on Friday morning led to the evacuation of 144 senior residents. 这起火灾始于电机房,由喷洒系统控制,由消防员用CO2灭火器扑灭。 The fire, starting in the electrical room, was contained by the sprinkler system and extinguished by firefighters using CO2 extinguishers. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 新奥尔良消防局、环境监测系统和美国红十字会等地方机构协助居民撤离和搬迁。 Local agencies, including the New Orleans Fire Department, EMS, and the American Red Cross, assisted with the evacuation and relocation of residents.