纽约市的20万个低收入家庭加入了第8节的HCV等候名单,这是美国最大的;纽约市政府将每月发放1000个优惠券. 200,000 low-income NYC households added to Section 8 HCV waitlist, largest in US; NYCHA to issue 1,000 vouchers/month.
第8节住房选择券(HCV)等待名单中增加了20万个低收入的纽约市家庭,这是美国最大的。 200,000 low-income NYC households have been added to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waitlist, the largest in the US. 6月,在为期一周的窗口中,NYCHA利用随机彩票系统从600 000多名申请人中挑选候选人。 NYCHA utilized a random lottery system to select applicants from over 600,000 during a weeklong window in June. 联邦方案向低收入家庭提供租金补贴,《新家庭法》计划每月向等待名单上的家庭发放1 000份凭单。 The federal program provides rental subsidies to low-income families, and NYCHA plans to issue 1,000 vouchers per month to households on the waitlist.