由于联邦拨款减少,蒙大拿省关闭了全州范围第8节住房凭证等候名单。 Montana closes statewide Section 8 housing voucher waitlist due to reduced federal allocation.
由于联邦拨款减少,蒙大拿省已关闭了全国第8款住房券等候名单。 Montana has closed its statewide waitlist for Section 8 housing vouchers due to reduced federal allocation. 该方案帮助低收入家庭、老年人和残疾人支付住房费用,将影响到大约3 000个家庭。 The program, which assists low-income families, older people, and those with disabilities to pay for housing, will affect around 3,000 households. 地方住房当局将保持其等候名单开放,但许多是长达数年之久。 Local housing authorities will keep their waitlists open but many are years-long. 蒙大拿州商务部将动用储备金并关闭候补名单,以确保该计划保持偿付能力并能够为当前的参与者提供服务。 The Montana Department of Commerce will spend down reserves and close the waitlist to ensure the program remains solvent and able to serve current participants.