法官拒绝了苹果公司关于推迟对Google的反托拉斯审判的请求, Judge denies Apple's request to delay antitrust trial against Google, focusing on its search monopoly.
Amit Mehta法官拒绝了苹果公司关于推迟即将对Google进行反托拉斯审判的请求, Judge Amit Mehta denied Apple's request to delay the upcoming antitrust trial against Google, which aims to address Google's alleged monopoly in online search. 苹果每年从与谷歌的默认搜索引擎交易中赚取约 200 亿美元,它认为它需要参与以保护自己的利益。 Apple, which earns about $20 billion annually from its default search engine deal with Google, argued it needed to participate to protect its interests. Mehta法官裁定苹果公司没有提出拖延的充分理由, 审判将按计划进行, 可能影响苹果公司与谷歌的盈利交易。 Judge Mehta ruled that Apple did not show sufficient reason for a delay, and the trial will proceed as scheduled, potentially affecting Apple's lucrative deal with Google.