法国铁路网络遭到破坏,造成巴黎奥运会开幕前交通混乱。 French rail network sabotage causes transport chaos ahead of Paris Olympics opening ceremony.
由于法国铁路网络在开幕式前遭遇“破坏”,巴黎奥运会面临交通混乱。 Paris Olympics face transport chaos as French rail network hit by 'sabotage' ahead of opening ceremony. 有人针对该国的高铁网络实施了协同纵火行为,导致数千名观众的交通严重中断和出行混乱。 Coordinated acts of arson have targeted the country's high-speed rail network, causing severe disruption and travel chaos for thousands of spectators. 尽管数万军警为保卫奥运会采取了大规模安全行动,但袭击仍然发生了。 The attacks took place despite a massive security operation involving tens of thousands of troops and police to safeguard the Olympics.