巴黎奥运会前夕,法国高速铁路网络遭遇纵火等恶意行为破坏。 Malicious acts, including arson, disrupted France's high-speed rail network ahead of the Paris Olympics.
巴黎奥运会前夕,法国高铁网络因针对关键设施的恶意行为(包括纵火袭击)而面临严重中断。 France's high-speed rail network faced significant disruption ahead of the Paris Olympics due to malicious acts, including arson attacks, targeting key installations. 事故影响了伦敦、比利时和法国各地之间的火车路线。 The incidents affected train routes between London, Belgium, and various parts of France. 法国国家铁路公司 (SNCF) 建议乘客推迟出行,并警告称,列车停运情况可能会持续整个周末至周一。 French national rail company SNCF advised customers to delay their travel and warned that disruptions may persist through the weekend until Monday.