日本活动人士和专家寻求对可能与战时人类细菌战实验有关的 35 年前的骨头进行独立调查。 Japanese activists and experts seek an independent investigation into 35-year-old bones possibly linked to wartime human germ warfare experiments.
日本的活动人士和专家呼吁对东京发现的可能与战时人类细菌战实验有关的骨头进行独立调查。 Activists and experts in Japan have called for an independent investigation into bones discovered in Tokyo that may be linked to wartime human germ warfare experiments. 这些尸骨已存放在储藏室 35 年了,它们可能是 20 世纪早期解剖课上留下的残骸,也可能是臭名昭著的日本战争罪行 731 部队的身份不明的受害者。 The bones have been in a repository for 35 years and could either be remnants from early 20th-century anatomy lessons or unidentified victims of Unit 731, a notorious Japanese war crime. 日本政府一贯避免讨论战争暴行。 Japan's government has consistently avoided discussing wartime atrocities.