德累斯顿的工人在拆除一座倒塌的桥时发现另一枚二战未爆炸的炸弹。 Workers in Dresden find another unexploded WWII bomb while dismantling a collapsed bridge.
在德国德累斯顿拆除一座倒塌的桥 工人发现了一枚未爆炸的二战炸弹 Workers dismantling a collapsed bridge in Dresden, Germany, found an unexploded World War II bomb. 这是一周内第二个这样的发现, 该地区被封锁供专家调查。 This is the second such discovery in a week, with the area cordoned off for investigation by specialists. 1945年被严重轰炸的德累斯顿在建筑期间继续发现未爆弹药,突出战争的持久影响。 Dresden, heavily bombed in 1945, continues to uncover unexploded ordnance during construction, highlighting the lasting impact of the war.