意大利发展合作署拨款 200 万欧元用于重建黎巴嫩公立学校,自 2017 年起提供支持。 Italy's Agency for Development Cooperation allocates €2m to rehabilitate Lebanese public schools, extending support since 2017.
意大利大使法布里齐奥·马塞利宣布,意大利发展合作署将提供 200 万欧元(217 万美元)用于修复黎巴嫩公立学校。 Italy's Agency for Development Cooperation is providing €2m ($2.17m) for rehabilitating Lebanese public schools, announced by Ambassador Fabrizio Marcelli. 这是意大利自2017年以来支持黎巴嫩优质教育的承诺的一部分。 This is part of Italy's commitment since 2017 to support quality education in Lebanon. 迄今为止,已投入 6000 万欧元用于重建 107 所公立学校,包括最近经过翻修的阿拉蒙公立中学,该校配备了太阳能并改善了相关设施。 So far, €60m has been used to rehabilitate 107 public schools, including the recently renovated Aramoun Public Secondary School with solar energy and improved facilities.