意大利准备与叙利亚新领导层接触,但强调保护少数民族。 Italy ready to engage with Syria's new leadership but emphasizes protection of minorities.
意大利总理Giorgia Meloni指出,意大利准备与叙利亚新领导人接触,但敦促谨慎行事,特别是在对待基督徒和其他少数群体方面。 Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stated that Italy is ready to engage with Syria's new leadership but urged caution, especially regarding the treatment of Christians and other minorities. Meloni强调,意大利将与其欧洲伙伴一道,根据其对少数群体的行动对叙利亚新当局进行评判。 Meloni emphasized that Italy, along with its European partners, will judge the new Syrian authorities based on their actions towards minorities. 意大利以前曾重新开放其在大马士革的大使馆,成为第一个这样做的七国集团国家。 Italy previously reopened its embassy in Damascus, becoming the first G7 nation to do so.