酒精公司在支持研究的同时,因生产与乳腺癌风险相关的“粉红清洗”产品而受到批评。 Alcohol companies face criticism for 'pink washing' products linked to breast cancer risk while supporting research.
酒精公司因生产“粉红清洗”产品而受到严格审查,这些产品支持乳腺癌研究,但同时也对该疾病构成了重大风险因素。 Alcohol companies are under scrutiny for 'pink washing' products that support breast cancer research while posing a significant risk factor for the disease. 研究表明,饮酒与乳腺癌风险增加之间存在联系,每饮用一单位酒精,患乳腺癌的风险就会增加。 Studies show a link between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer, with each unit of alcohol raising the likelihood. 批评人士认为,酒类公司声称可以帮助对抗疾病,但实际上却通过销售可能导致疾病的产品来获利,这是不道德的。 Critics argue that it's unethical for alcohol companies to profit from the sale of products that potentially contribute to the disease they claim to help fight.