自2016年以来,2021年美国与酒精有关的死亡增加了29%,酒精消费与16%的乳腺癌病例和七种癌症有关。 2021 US alcohol-related deaths increased 29% since 2016, and alcohol consumption is linked to 16% of breast cancer cases and seven cancers.
新的研究质疑酒精消费对健康的好处,专家警告说,没有安全的消费量。 New studies question health benefits of alcohol consumption, with experts warning there is no safe amount to consume. 以前提出的保健福利索赔可能是由于工业资助的研究和科学限制造成的。 Previous claims of health benefits may be due to industry-funded research and scientific limitations. 疾病控制与预防中心报告说,2016年至2021年间,美国因过度使用酒精而死亡的人数增加了29%。 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that US deaths from excessive alcohol use increased by 29% between 2016 and 2021. 酒精消费占乳腺癌病例的16%,与7种癌症有关,包括肝脏、直肠和食道癌。 Alcohol consumption accounts for 16% of breast cancer cases, and is linked to seven cancers, including liver, colorectal, and esophageal. 世界卫生组织强调,危险饮酒始于一滴酒精。 The World Health Organization emphasizes that risky drinking begins with the first drop of alcohol.