威斯康星州密尔沃基共和党全国大会附近,一名持刀男子向手无寸铁的人发起攻击,后被警方开枪打死。 Man with knives shot and killed by police near Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, WI after charging at unarmed individual.
一名手持两把刀的男子在威斯康星州密尔沃基共和党全国代表大会附近因拒绝服从警方命令而被警方开枪打死。 A man wielding two knives was shot and killed by police near the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after refusing police commands. 俄亥俄州警察在威斯康星州参加大会时,在距离活动现场仅几个街区的地方发现了这名持刀男子。 Ohio police officers were in Wisconsin for the convention when they encountered the knife-wielding man, only a few blocks away from the event site. 该男子向一名手无寸铁的人员发起攻击,导致警察开枪。 The man charged at an unarmed individual, prompting the officers to open fire. 密尔沃基警察局局长杰弗里诺曼表示,这些警员并非来自该地区,但他们却主动采取行动,挽救了他人的生命。 Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman stated that the officers, who were not from the area, took it upon themselves to act and save someone's life.