警官在威斯康辛州家庭电话中用刀子射杀男子;调查正在进行中。 Officer shoots man with a knife during domestic call in Wisconsin; investigation underway.
星期一晚上,圣克罗伊部落警察局的警官在威斯康辛州韦伯斯特接了一个家庭电话,他们在那里遇到一个拿着刀的男人。 On Monday evening, officers from the St. Croix Tribal Police Department responded to a domestic call in Webster, Wisconsin, where they encountered a man with a knife. 一名军官向该男子开枪,然后将他空运到明尼苏达州一家医院。 An officer shot the man, who was then flown to a Minnesota hospital. 没有报告其他受伤情况。 No other injuries were reported. 身着尸体摄像头的涉案官员被安排了行政休假。 The involved officers, who were wearing body cameras, have been placed on administrative leave. 威斯康星州司法部正在调查这一事件,调查结果将提交给地方地方检察官办公室。 The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating the incident, with results to be submitted to the local District Attorney's office.