密尔沃基的抗议者在哥伦布警方在RNC期间发生的致命枪击事件中寻求透明度,要求公布姓名和未经编辑的身体摄像头镜头。 Protesters in Milwaukee seek transparency in a fatal shooting by Columbus police during the RNC, demanding release of names and un-redacted body cam footage.
Milwaukee的抗议者要求对哥伦布警察在共和国国民大会期间枪杀一名男子一事保持透明。 Protesters in Milwaukee demand transparency over the fatal shooting of a man by Columbus police officers during the Republican National Convention. 人民正义项目要求公布所有涉案军官的姓名和未编辑的机身摄像头录像。 The People's Justice Project call for the release of names of all officers involved and un-redacted body camera footage. 抗议活动将每周继续进行,直到与首席伊莱恩·布莱恩特(Elaine Bryant)会面。 Protests will continue weekly until a meeting with Chief Elaine Bryant is granted. 所涉的5名官员都休了行政假。 All five officers involved have been placed on administrative leave. 密尔沃基地区调查小组正在调查此事件. The Milwaukee Area Investigative Team is investigating the incident.