Biden行政司拨款635M美元,用于EV收费,以对抗Trump对EV部门的计划损害。 Biden admin allocates $635M for EV charging, countering Trump's planned harm to EV sector.
交通部长Pete Buttigieg警告说,特朗普总统的计划政策可能会损害电动车辆部门,包括取消EV补贴和放宽排放规则。 Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg warns that President Trump's planned policies could harm the electric vehicle (EV) sector, including eliminating EV subsidies and easing emissions rules. 与此同时,拜登行政当局正在推动基础设施支出,以提升EV,包括向马萨诸塞州赠款1 440万美元,用于向贫困地区的472个新的EV收费港口收取费用。 Meanwhile, the Biden administration is pushing forward with infrastructure spending to boost EVs, including a $14.4 million grant to Massachusetts for 472 new EV charging ports in disadvantaged areas. 这笔资金是6.35亿美元的联邦赠款的一部分,用于将EV收费基础设施扩展到27个州,目的是支持清洁能源和使EV更易于获取。 This funding is part of a $635 million federal grant to expand EV charging infrastructure across 27 states, aimed at supporting clean energy and making EVs more accessible.