新西兰枪支管制组织提议禁止可改装成手枪的步枪,如阿尔法武器,以逃避手枪管制。 Gun Control NZ proposes banning rifles modifiable into handguns, like Alfa weapons, to evade handgun regulations.
新西兰枪支管制组织呼吁禁止可轻易改装成手枪的步枪,如阿尔法武器,以防止犯罪分子逃避手枪管制。 Gun Control NZ calls for a ban on rifles that can be easily modified into handguns, like Alfa weapons, to prevent criminals from evading handgun regulations. 这些步枪可以绕过严格的手枪管制,至少 78% 的进口阿尔法卡宾枪和阿尔法猎枪最终落入了犯罪分子手中。 The rifles can bypass strict handgun controls, and at least 78% of imported Alfa carbines and Alfa hunters ended up in criminal hands. 一些枪支安全活动人士认为没有必要进一步限制,而另一些人则呼吁赋予警方更多权力来阻止枪支的销售和拥有。 Some firearms safety campaigners argue that further restrictions are unnecessary, while others urge more power for police to prevent their sale and ownership.