坎特伯雷是新西兰持证枪支拥有者中注册枪支数量最多的地区,约占注册枪支总数的 10%,超过 100,000 支。 Canterbury has the highest number of registered firearms among New Zealand's licensed firearm owners, constituting around 10% of the total registered firearms, which surpass 100,000.
新西兰枪支登记处已登记了超过 100,000 支枪支,这些枪支来自该国 235,000 名持有执照的枪支持有者中约 10%。 The Firearms Registry in New Zealand has registered over 100,000 firearms from approximately 10% of the country's 235,000 licensed firearm holders. 坎特伯雷拥有最多的注册枪支。 Canterbury has the highest number of registered firearms. 该登记处旨在防止枪支落入坏人之手,并将许可证数字化以检测非法活动。 The registry aims to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands and digitize licensing to detect unlawful activity. 全面投入使用后,登记处将提供新西兰所有合法持有枪支的全面信息,提高透明度并使犯罪分子更难获得枪支。 When fully operational, the registry will provide a comprehensive picture of all lawfully held firearms in New Zealand, increasing transparency and making it harder for criminals to acquire firearms.