持枪前持枪者Matua Parkinson因非法向无执照者供应5支步枪而被判刑,这给公共安全带来风险。 Ex-firearm license holder Matua Parkinson sentenced for unlawfully supplying 5 rifles to an unlicensed individual, posing public safety risks.
新西兰前火器许可证持有者Matua Parkinson因非法拥有和供应五支Alfa Carbine步枪给一名没有许可证的个人而被判刑。 Matua Parkinson, a former firearms license holder in New Zealand, was sentenced for unlawfully possessing and supplying five Alfa Carbine rifles to an unlicensed individual. 他于2022年6月以近11 000美元的价格购买了这些步枪,这些步枪仍未收回,对公共安全构成持续风险。 He purchased the rifles for nearly $11,000 in June 2022, and they remain unrecovered, posing ongoing public safety risks. 当局强调,需要建立一个新的火器登记处,以监测不寻常的采购模式,防止合法持有的火器进入非法市场。 Authorities emphasized the need for a new Firearms Registry to monitor unusual purchasing patterns and prevent lawfully held firearms from entering the illegal market.