188万起事件,18.5万新西兰人遭遇44.9万起暴力犯罪;政府计划到2029年支持执法并减少犯罪。 1.88 million incidents, 185,000 New Zealanders experienced 449,000 violent crimes; government plans to support law enforcement and reduce crime by 2029.
新西兰犯罪数据显示,2022 年 11 月至 2023 年 10 月期间共发生 188 万起犯罪事件,185,000 名新西兰人遭遇 449,000 起暴力犯罪。 New Zealand crime data reveals a total of 1.88 million incidents between November 2022 and October 2023, with 185,000 New Zealanders experiencing 449,000 violent crimes. 数据显示,安全感日益缺失,感觉不安全的新西兰人比前一年多。 The data shows a growing lack of safety, with more New Zealanders feeling unsafe than the previous year. 政府计划支持执法并实施减少犯罪的措施,包括到 2029 年将青少年重复犯罪减少 15%,暴力犯罪受害者减少 20,000 人。 The government plans to support law enforcement and implement measures to reduce crime, including a 15% reduction in repeat youth offending and 20,000 fewer victims of violent crime by 2029.