道尔顿市和警察局否认“国家警察协会”发来的筹款信件,该协会声称与市议会有联系。 Dalton City and police department disavow fundraising letters from "National Police Association" claiming city council affiliation.
道尔顿市和警察局警告居民警惕声称代表市议会的筹款信件。 Dalton City and police department warn residents about fundraising letters claiming to represent the city council. 这些信件是由来自德克萨斯州斯塔福德的“国家警察协会”发送的,旨在请求捐款,以便在反对虚假的警察经费削减指控的请愿书上添加名字。 The letters, sent by an organization called the "National Police Association" from Stafford, Texas, ask for donations to have names added to a petition against false claims of police defunding. 该市和警察局确认他们与该组织没有任何关联。 The city and police department confirm they are not affiliated with this organization.