阿肯色州委员会对官员在纸质选票请愿书签名中被编辑的地址进行调查。 Arkansas committee investigates officials over redacted addresses in paper ballot petition signatures.
美国阿肯色州联合绩效审查委员会已经对负责编辑选票请愿书签名的官员展开调查. The Arkansas Joint Performance Review Committee has initiated an investigation into officials responsible for redacting addresses on paper ballot petition signatures. 以下是对请愿过程的关切, 特别是“2024年手持、手记选票法令”。 This follows concerns about the petition process, particularly regarding the "Hand-Marked, Hand-Counted Paper Ballot Ordinance of 2024." 指控包括利用非居民收集签名和进行可能的篡改。 Allegations include the use of non-residents for signature collection and potential tampering. 案件已转交总检察长和道德操守委员会作进一步调查。 The case has been referred to the attorney general and ethics commission for further inquiry.