在格林湾和威斯康星州的麦迪逊市,Scammers将目标非盈利组织作为捐助者,并发送欺诈性支票。 Scammers target nonprofits in Green Bay and Madison, Wisconsin, posing as donors and sending fraudulent checks.
Scammers以Green Bay和威斯康辛麦迪逊的非营利组织为目标,他们假扮为捐助者,并发送欺诈性支票。 Scammers are targeting nonprofits in Green Bay and Madison, Wisconsin, by posing as donors and sending fraudulent checks. Literacy Green Bay 和 Movin' Out Inc. 等组织收到了金额过高的支票,促使诈骗者要求退还多余的资金。 Organizations like Literacy Green Bay and Movin' Out Inc. received checks with inflated amounts, prompting scammers to request the excess funds be returned. 没有收到支票, 那些非营利组织就亏损了. When the checks bounced, the nonprofits were left at a loss. 已经通知了包括警察和公平贸易委员会在内的当局。 Authorities, including the police and FTC, have been notified. 美国商业局警告非营利组织要谨慎在捐款请求中使用红旗. The Better Business Bureau warns nonprofits to be cautious of red flags in donation requests.