社会保障管理局更新残疾福利评估,从数据库中删除过时的工作。 Social Security Administration updates disability benefits evaluation, removes obsolete jobs from database.
社会保障署(SSA)正在更新其残疾人福利评估流程,从其数据库中删除过时的工作。 The Social Security Administration (SSA) is updating its evaluation process regarding disability benefits, eliminating obsolete jobs from its database. 批评者称,该数据库自 1977 年以来未曾更新,不公平且过时,其中包含了爬行动物饲养员、铁路电报员和钟表修理工等职业。 Critics have claimed the database, which has not been updated since 1977, is unfair and outdated, containing jobs like reptile farmer, railroad telegrapher, and watch repairer. 在《华盛顿邮报》报道了一名电工申请失业救济金被拒的案例后,社会保障局将从数据库中删除除少数非技术性工作以外的所有工作,旨在提高申请残疾人福利过程中的信任度。 After the Washington Post highlighted a case of a rejected electrician claimant, the SSA will remove all but a few unskilled jobs from the database, aiming to improve trust in the process of applying for disability benefits.