由于所得税评估变化,享受带薪育儿假的新西兰父母收到了意外的税单。 New Zealand parents on paid parental leave receive unexpected tax bills due to income tax assessment changes.
在新西兰,父母,特别是那些享受带薪育儿假的父母,正面临着数千纽币的意外税单。 Parents, particularly those on paid parental leave, are facing unexpected tax bills of thousands of dollars in New Zealand. 自 2019 年以来,税务局一直在发送自动所得税评估报告,这些报告通常是准确的。 Inland Revenue has been sending automated income tax assessments since 2019, which are generally accurate. 但是,如果某人的情况在财政年度内发生变化,则可能会产生退款或欠税。 However, if someone's circumstances change during a financial year, a refund or tax owed may be generated. 许多父母现在面临着这些意外的税单,造成了经济压力。 Many parents are now being hit with these surprise tax bills, causing financial strain.