新西兰的FamilyBoost方案在2023年向22 000多个家庭支付了24M加元,用于儿童保育。 New Zealand's FamilyBoost program has paid $24M to over 22,000 families for childcare in 2023.
新西兰财政部长尼古拉·威利斯宣布,在2023年头15天,根据FamilyBoost方案支付了近22 000件索赔。 New Zealand's Finance Minister, Nicola Willis, announced that nearly 22,000 claims under the FamilyBoost program were paid in the first 15 days of 2023. FamilyBoost为中低收入家庭提供幼儿教育费用支助,使那些每年收入高达180 000美元的家庭能够领取25%的每周儿童保育费,每三个月最多可领取975美元。 FamilyBoost supports low and middle-income families with early childhood education costs, allowing those earning up to $180,000 annually to claim 25% of weekly childcare fees, up to $975 every three months. 自该方案开始以来,已经支付了2 400多万加元,家庭可以通过国内税收局的在线系统“MyIR”进行登记。 Over $24 million has been paid out since the program began, with families able to register through the Inland Revenue's online system, myIR.