新西兰母亲在儿童出生登记期间向IRD欠了38 329美元,原因是未报告伙伴。 New Zealand mother owes $38,329 to IRD for unreported partner during child's birth registration.
新西兰有3名母亲,仅被确认为Hilary, 面临内地税收署(IRD)的38 329美元法案, 要求多付福利金, 因为她的孩子在2020年出生登记期间未申报其伴侣。 A New Zealand mother of three, identified only as Hilary, faces a $38,329 bill from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) for overpayments in benefits due to not declaring her partner during her child's birth registration in 2020. IRD于9月与她联系,说父亲在出生证上的详细资料不足以表明关系。 The IRD contacted her in September, stating that the father's details on the birth certificate were not enough to indicate a relationship. 母亲必须在两周内支付32 500美元,罚款和利息总额超过38 000美元。 The mother must pay $32,500 within two weeks, with penalties and interest bringing the total to over $38,000. IRD指出,只有少数人受到这一问题的影响。 The IRD noted that only a small number of people have been affected by this issue.