拜登政府出于国家安全考虑,计划在美国禁止销售卡巴斯基实验室的杀毒软件。 The Biden administration plans to ban the sale of Kaspersky Lab's antivirus software in the U.S. due to national security concerns.
出于国家安全担忧,尤其是该公司与俄罗斯政府的密切关系,拜登政府计划禁止在美国销售卡巴斯基实验室的防病毒软件。 The Biden administration plans to ban the sale of Kaspersky Lab's antivirus software in the U.S. due to national security concerns, specifically the company's close ties to the Russian government. 经过美国商务部两年的调查,美国政府做出了一项决定,将在 30 天内禁止新的美国业务,禁止下载软件更新、转售和授权,并给予已经使用卡巴斯基的企业 100 天的时间寻找替代品。 The decision, following a two-year probe by the Department of Commerce, will prohibit new U.S. business in 30 days, ban downloads of software updates, resales, and licensing, and give businesses already using Kaspersky 100 days to find alternatives. 此举旨在消除与卡巴斯基软件相关的俄罗斯网络攻击的风险,并进一步加剧乌克兰战争期间美俄关系的紧张。 The move aims to eliminate risks of Russian cyberattacks linked to Kaspersky software and further strain relations between the U.S. and Russia amid the latter's ongoing war in Ukraine.