6 月 15 日,7,648 名学生在俄勒冈州立大学雷瑟体育场毕业,共获得 7,880 个学位。 7,648 students graduated at Oregon State University's Reser Stadium on June 15, with 7,880 degrees awarded.
6 月 15 日,俄勒冈州立大学 (OSU) 举行了毕业典礼,共有 7,648 名学生在 Reser 体育场毕业,创下了毕业纪录。 Oregon State University (OSU) celebrated a record-breaking graduation on June 15, with 7,648 students graduating at the Reser Stadium. 约有 4,100 名学生参加了该校第 155 届毕业典礼,共授予 7,880 个学位,其中包括 232 名学生各获得两个学位。 Approximately 4,100 students participated in the ceremony for the university's 155th class, with 7,880 degrees awarded, including 232 students receiving two degrees each. 这使得俄勒冈州立大学自成立以来颁发的学位总数达到 295,283 个。 This brings the total degrees distributed since OSU's founding to 295,283.