2024年9月27日,俄勒冈大学为2 000多名学生举办了流动日活动,帮助他们过渡到大学生活。 On Sept. 27, 2024, University of Oregon held move-in day for 2,000+ students, aiding in their transition to college life.
2024年9月27日,俄勒冈大学为成千上万的新生在尤金市提供了入住日. On September 27, 2024, the University of Oregon facilitated move-in day for thousands of incoming students in Eugene. 在两天多的时间里,该大学提供了援助,为家庭提供了便利。 Over two days, the university provided assistance to ease the process for families. 记者们捕捉到学生在安顿到宿舍时的经历,突显了向大学生活的过渡。 Reporters captured student experiences as they settled into dorms, highlighting the transition to college life. 此次活动突显了该大学承诺在新学生开始学业旅行时支持他们。 The event underscores the university's commitment to supporting new students as they begin their academic journey. 9月30日开始上课 Classes started on September 30.