俄勒冈州男子篮球胜出 与89 -79对波特兰的胜利 开始了会议比赛 Oregon State men's basketball wins start to conference play with an 89-79 victory over Portland.
俄勒冈州的男子篮球队 赢得了波特兰89比79的胜利 标志着他们在西海岸会议上的开场 Oregon State's men's basketball team secured an 89-79 win over Portland, marking their start in the West Coast Conference with a 1-0 record. Michael Rataj以职业28分领先得分, 球队从球场拍摄出令人印象深刻的61%。 Michael Rataj led the scoring with a career-high 28 points, and the team shot an impressive 61% from the field. 尼特·金兹,帕尔萨·法拉,利乌塔拉斯·莱莱维修斯和艾萨亚·赛等球员也在双位数的贡献中,Beavers将他们的总体记录提高到11-3. With players like Nate Kingz, Parsa Fallah, Liutauras Lelevicius, and Isaiah Sy also contributing in double digits, the Beavers improved their overall record to 11-3.