华盛顿州立大学注册一年级学生4 350人,比去年的4 200人有所增加。 4,350 first-year students enrolled at Washington State University, up from 4,200 last year.
华盛顿州立大学(WSU)第二年的新生入学率上升,本学期一年级学生4 350人,比去年的4 200人有所增加。 Washington State University (WSU) has seen a rise in freshman enrollment for the second year, with 4,350 first-year students this semester, up from 4,200 last year. 三城市校园注意到新学生增加了16%,而Pullman的增长率为2.4%。 The Tri-Cities campus noted a 16% increase in new students, while Pullman's grew by 2.4%. 尽管总入学率总体下降了3%,但81%的WSU学生来自华盛顿,这表明该流行病对学生人数的影响有所恢复。 Despite a 3% overall decline in total enrollment, 81% of WSU students are from Washington, indicating a recovery from the pandemic's impact on student numbers.