美国最高法院对联邦法院在星巴克和国家劳工关系委员会的工会组织活动期间发布保护工人工作的命令设定了更高的门槛。 The US Supreme Court set a higher threshold for federal courts to issue orders protecting worker jobs during union organizing campaigns regarding Starbucks and NLRB.
美国最高法院做出了有利于星巴克的裁决,为联邦法院在工会组织活动期间发布保护工人工作的命令设定了更高的门槛。 The US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Starbucks, setting a higher threshold for federal courts to issue orders protecting worker jobs during union organizing campaigns. 这一决定可能会使国家劳工关系委员会(NLRB)更难暂时制止所谓的不公平劳工行为,例如解雇参与组织活动的工人。 This decision could make it harder for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to temporarily halt alleged unfair labor practices, such as dismissing workers involved in organizing efforts. 该裁决适用于星巴克与国家劳工关系委员会之间的劳资纠纷案件。 The ruling applies to a case stemming from a labor dispute between Starbucks and the NLRB.