总统直系亲属亨特·拜登因联邦枪支案被判有罪。 Hunter Biden, a president's immediate family member, was convicted in his federal gun case.
美国民众对亨特·拜登在联邦枪支案中被定罪做出了反应,并对正义的伸张、对选票的潜在影响以及其父亲可能赦免的影响发表了自己的看法。 Americans have reacted to Hunter Biden's conviction in his federal gun case, with opinions on justice served, potential effects on votes, and implications of a possible pardon from his father. 尽管对判决结果感到“失望”,亨特仍对家人的支持表示感谢。 Hunter expressed gratitude for his family's support, despite his "disappointment" with the verdict. 这是首次有总统直系亲属在其父亲任职期间被判有罪。 This marks the first time a member of a president's immediate family has been found guilty while their father was in office.