以色列军事袭击后,出于安全考虑,联合国世界粮食计划署暂停向加沙发放援助。 UN World Food Program pauses aid distribution in Gaza due to security concerns after Israeli military assault.
出于安全考虑,联合国世界粮食计划署暂停从美国在加沙建造的码头发放人道主义援助。 The UN World Food Program has paused its humanitarian aid distribution from an American-built pier in Gaza due to security concerns. 此前,以色列军队发动袭击,虽然解救了人质,但导致 274 名巴勒斯坦人和一名以色列突击队员死亡,同时世界粮食计划署在加沙的两个仓库遭到火箭弹袭击。 This comes after an Israeli military assault that freed hostages but resulted in the deaths of 274 Palestinians and one Israeli commando, as well as two of WFP's warehouses being rocketed in Gaza. 美国国际开发署称暂停行动是为了让加沙人道主义界进行安全审查。 The US Agency for International Development described the pause as a step to allow for a security review by the humanitarian community in Gaza. 美国开辟海上航线是为了给加沙饥饿的人民提供更多援助。 The US set up the sea route to bring more aid to Gaza's starving population.