自停火以来,每周有4 200多辆援助卡车进入加沙,协助复苏,但面临挑战。 Over 4,200 weekly aid trucks enter Gaza since ceasefire, aiding recovery but facing challenges.
自哈马斯和以色列停火以来,每周有4 200多辆援助卡车进入加沙,改善了局势,但仍然面临挑战。 Since the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, over 4,200 aid trucks have entered Gaza weekly, improving the situation but still facing challenges. 世界粮食计划署在停火的头四天内分发的粮食比整个战争期间多。 The World Food Program has distributed more food in the first four days of the ceasefire than during the entire war. 然而,道路被毁、以色列检查和未爆炸炸弹阻碍了援助的分配。 However, aid distribution is hindered by destroyed roads, Israeli inspections, and unexploded bombs. 哈马斯指责以色列阻拦医疗用品和重建材料,而援助工作者则与短缺作斗争,而中间人则从援助中获利。 Hamas accuses Israel of obstructing medical supplies and reconstruction materials, while aid workers struggle with shortages and middlemen profiting from aid.