由于来自武装帮派的安全威胁,联合国已暂停向加沙运送援助物资。 The UN has suspended aid shipments to Gaza due to security threats from armed gangs.
由于最近抢劫车队的武装团伙的威胁,联合国已暂时停止通过主要过境点向加沙运送援助物资。 The United Nations has temporarily halted aid shipments to Gaza through its main crossing due to threats from armed gangs that have looted recent convoys. 负责巴勒斯坦难民事务的近东救济工程处列举了对暂停的安全问题的关切。 UNRWA, responsible for Palestinian refugees, cited security concerns for the suspension. 虽然联合国责怪以色列加剧危机, 但中止行动的直接原因是武装团体抢掠, 危及援助工作者的安全, While the UN blames Israel for exacerbating the crisis, the immediate cause of the suspension is the looting by armed groups, risking aid workers' safety and worsening the humanitarian situation in Gaza.