水上飞机坠毁在温哥华煤港水域;救援人员赶赴现场。 Seaplane crashes into Vancouver's Coal Harbour waters; emergency crews respond.
周六,一架水上飞机在温哥华煤港水域坠毁,紧急救援人员正在对这一事件进行处置。 A seaplane crashed into Vancouver's Coal Harbour waters on Saturday, with emergency crews responding to the incident. 温哥华消防局救援队消防队长凯伦·弗莱 (Karen Fry) 通过社交媒体发文证实了这一反应,并表示警察和救援人员正在抵达煤港“海上事故”现场。 Vancouver Fire Rescue Services Fire Chief Karen Fry confirmed the response via a post on social media, stating that police and rescuers are on the scene of a "marine incident" in Coal Harbour. 社交媒体上的图片和视频显示,一架小型飞机部分沉入水中,附近有一艘海上巴士和几艘其他船只。 Images and videos on social media show a small plane partially submerged in the water with a SeaBus and several other vessels nearby.